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Our Governors

The District Governor line includes the District Governor (DG), District Governor-Elect (DGE), District Governor nominee (DGN) and District Governor Nominee Designate (DGN). These leaders along with past and future leaders that include assistant governors, district committee chairs, and past governors help our district thrive.

Mark Odland, District Governor | 2024-2025

As a community, non-profit and business leader, Mark Odland has a long-term pattern of success in balancing the goals of his organization with the needs of its employees, constituents, customers, and the communities where they serve. Throughout his professional career, Mark has been a leader who always promotes positive change by challenging the conventional and looking for every opportunity to improve outcomes.

Mark is a graduate of Augustana University with a degree in Political Science and Economics. He completed graduate studies at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia where he earned a Certificate in Management.

Throughout his career, he worked tirelessly to identify and develop talented employees, and is proud of the network of leaders he mentored and introduced to leadership opportunities.

He is most proud of his 50 years of marriage to LaRae and the accomplishments of his sons, Paul, and Peter, who hold leadership positions at State Farm Insurance Companies. Mark and LaRae have five happy healthy grandchildren in Illinois and North Carolina.

Mark has been a member of the South Haven Rotary since 2013 and served as President for two consecutive terms during Rotary Years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. During he tenure as President, the club grew by over 25%; achieved the Gold Citation; Earned the Every Rotarian Every Year Award (EREY) for contributions to the Rotary Foundation; contributed at the 100% level to the District 6360 Foundation; significantly improved its public image; aggressively pursued social media and press activity; developed successful new fund raising avenues while improving the existing Pancake Breakfast operations; dramatically improved the age and gender diversity of the club, and eliminated many of what was considered  offensive traditions of the club.

The Rotary of South Haven was recognized as the Non-Profit of the Year by the South Haven Chamber of Commerce in 2019. He was named Rotarian of the Year in 2020 and led his club to initiate ZOOM meetings during the pandemic in March 2020. He also hosted a weekly ZOOM coffee hour every Thursday just to keep his club engaged and active.

He serves as Chair of the District 6360 Membership Committee, a member of the Visioning Committee, and as Assistant District Governor for Area 2.

Jackie Huie, District Governor Elect| 2025-2026

Rotary Club of St. Joseph-Benton Harbor Past President (2012-13), Jackie Huie, will be the District 6360 District Governor in 2025-26!

Since joining Rotary in 1994, Jackie has been an advocate for mentoring young people and featured in the Rotary magazine, on and at three Rotary International Conventions. In 2007, Jackie launched the Rotary Student Program, which matches high school students with professionals in dream careers. The pilot ignited a 60-member Southwest Michigan Interact Club in two weeks, growing into seven Interact Clubs, 1800 participants, annual mission trips to the Dominican Republic and website traffic from 169 countries, with 28,000 unique visitors (

A Rotary International Convention Breakout Speaker in Lisbon, Portugal (2013) and São Paulo, Brazil (2015), Jackie has been a Keynote Speaker at Rotary Great Lakes President-Elect Training, Rotary District Conferences for 6360, 6380, and 6400 and has given presentations to clubs within our District and around the world. Current District roles include Public Image Chair, Rotary Student Program Chair, and Membership Committee. Club roles include Youth Services Chair, Rotary Student Program Chair and International, Membership, and Public Image Committees. A 2013 “Passionate Trailblazer” Rotary Hero, Jackie is also a 2015 “Rotary International Global Women of Action” nominee.

In her professional career, Jackie is CEO of JohnsonRauhoff, a nationally ranked creative content agency with global clients. A member of CHIEF and YPO, Jackie is a 2022 Moody On The Market’s “Bold Women of Business Award” recipient, a United Way of 2022 Southwest Michigan “Margaret B. Upton Volunteer Leadership Award” nominee and a 2023 MOSAIC CCDA “Community Impact Hero.” In 1998, Jackie received the City of St. Joseph “Outstanding Citizen Award.”

After attending Western Michigan University, Jackie graduated from The American Academy of Art, Chicago and holds Creative Management Certification from the University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business. In 1997, Jackie married Mike Huie, a former Whirlpool Global Director who in 2005 became JR President. Together, Mike and Jackie have three children, Taylor, Grant and Rhett. The Huie family has hosted Rotary Youth Exchange students from Brazil and Poland, Rotary Group Study Exchange India and a student from France. Ask Jackie about mentoring, world travel, rescuing pitbulls or about how to grow Rotary connecting the dots between Rotary, Rotaract, Interact and family.

Timothy Lee, District Governor Nominee | 2026-2027

Timothy Allen Lee is Past District Governor in 2013-14 of District 6580.
Married to Rotarian Amy Lee, Tim is father to four children. Tim is passionate about church, family, Rotary, and The Rotary Foundation. His hobbies include Lake Life, cruises, classic cars, board games, and visiting Rotary clubs. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Sturgis, Michigan and holds the classification of Forensic Engineer.
In 2016, Tim Lee was honored with ‘The Service Above Self Award’ by the Rotary International Board of Directors for his dedicated work in all five Avenues of Rotary service. Tim was just one of 139 recipients worldwide of the Service Above Self Award in 2016.
Tim has attended eleven Rotary International Conventions: Bangkok, New Orleans, Lisbon, Sydney, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Atlanta, Toronto, Hamburg, Houston, and Melbourn. Tim and Amy have been Deputy SAAs “Yellow Jackets” for six RI Conventions, and five Rotary International Assemblies. Tim was appointed Chief SAA for the 2024 International Assembly by RI President-Elect Stephanie Urchick, and had been appointed Chief SAA for the 2025 International Assembly by RI President-Nominee Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo.
Tim’s Rotary leadership experiences include being an Assistant Governor in three districts.

Tim and Amy fanatically support The Rotary Foundation, are Legacy Society Members and Level IV Major Donors, and have named or assisted in the naming of approximately 100 Paul Harris Fellows.
Tim graduated from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering. He also graduated from Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana in 1996 with a Master of Business Administration degree.
His expertise as a Forensic Civil Engineer has been developed over his 30+ year career with engineering, utility, and construction companies. He is registered as a Professional Engineer in Indiana and surrounding States, has worked in approximately 30 States, and has authored over 3800 professional reports for the assessment of damages on properties. Tim has engineering consulting experience in various industries including residential, commercial, water utility, and manufacturing; and presently owns a consulting engineering business.


Sharalyn Davis, Past District Governor | 2023-2024

Sharalyn Davis, BM, MT, MBA has been a Rotarian for 16 years. Her journey started at Climax Rotary Club when she was on the school board and she soon served as Club President, Assistant Governor, and on various club and district committees. She was attracted to Rotary’s Purity of Purpose and fell in love with the theme the year she joined “Sow the Seeds of Love.” She has since been a member of Cereal City Sunrise and currently serves with Union City Rotary.

With Rotary she joined two Bio-Sand Water filter trips to Dominican Republic and in 2018 traveled to India to build a dam with The Dream Team, a Rotary International group.

She’s attended four International Conventions and encourages all Rotarians to join her for the next one in Singapore May 25-29, 2024. The incredible comradery of 30,000 Rotarians from 200 Nations is an  experience that is absolutely exhilarating! Everyone with dreams and passions for world peace through Rotary, together in one place, is life changing!

What also drew her to Rotary was the opportunity for international service.  The strength of the Rotary Foundation makes dreams happen through international project partnerships that offer hope and build prosperity in developing nations.

Sharalyn’s international interest has taken her to over 30 countries, not just with Rotary, but as a clarinetist with the National Medical Orchestra (Washington DC), and most recently with Agape Community Transformation (Lansing) teaching music in Uganda.

She intends to pursue international service through a new Peace Corp-Rotary partnership after serving as District Governor. Rotary is expanding every day in every way to create service opportunities for every stage of life.

Sharalyn worked for the Veterans Affairs Medical Center as a music therapist for 30 years and brings her passion for creative expression in healing, relationship and resiliency building to Rotary this year.  Our new International President Gordon McInally is asking Rotarians to CREATE HOPE IN THE WORLD with special emphasis on deeply caring for our fellow members and communities this year! Mental Health is at the forefront of his HOPE campaign. It’s the perfect message for encouraging Rotarians to imagine new approaches for building peace and healing our communities, and our District is on it!

Her degrees are through WMU (Music/Music Therapy), Davenport University (MBA) and she completed a Political Leadership Fellowship (MSU). She has led United Way campaigns, National Veterans festivals, political candidate forums and trainings, 4-H animal agricultural projects, township government commissions, and currently serves on the boards of The Music Center, AAUW, and Magenta Girls (Uganda). She has an adult son Christopher and wife Christa who live nearby.

Joys include ARTS, musical performance, tap dancing, community activism, hairdressing, and exploring our amazing planet and all the incredible life forms!

Let’s have an awesome year celebrating Rotary together!