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  • District Foundation Youth Credits (DFYC)

  • Karl Sandelin Grants Application

  • Golden Trowel Award and Annual Recognition Dinner

District Foundation Youth Credits

The annual Raffle proceeds are returned to the clubs through District Foundation Youth Credits (DFYC). The Foundation gives each club a credit equal to 20% of their raffle ticket sales. The DFYC for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) and other youth projects are based on the sales of the previous three years.  To see the amount of youth credits your club is eligible to receive:

Download District Foundation Youth Credits  (PDF)

If your club sends young people to the RYLA camp, the District automatically applies your club’s DFYC first and then bills the club for the difference.  DFYC may be used for other youth activities.  You may request reimbursement of expenses related to youth projects by submitting the reimbursement form.

DFYC District Youth Program Reimbursement Form (PDF)

Karl Sandelin Grant Application

The Rotary District 6360 Foundation awards Karl Sandelin grants every June to Rotary Clubs in Rotary District 6360. Rotary Clubs must complete and submit the attached Karl Sandelin grant application by April 30th each year. See the application for eligibility and required criteria for award approval. Please contact any RD6360 Foundation board member with questions or concerns.

Please click this link to download the Application and Criteria (PDF)

Golden Trowel Award

Do you have someone that has made a significant contribution to your club’s project and is NOT a Rotarian?

How about thanking them by nominating that person(s) for the Rotary District 6360 Foundation Golden Trowel Award? This is a writable form, so you can just save this file to your computer and fill it out and send it to the person showing on the form.

Click here to download and fill-in form

Rotary District 6360 Foundation (RD6360F) annually awards up to four (4) Golden Trowel Awards to non-Rotarian individuals or groups who have made a major contribution to a Rotary project.

The award will be presented at an event of the Rotary Club that made the nomination.


  • The nominee must be a Non-Rotarian
  • The nominee may be a person, non-profit organization, business, church, group of individuals, or government agency
  • The nominee must have made a significant contribution to a specific Rotary sponsored project/event
  • The nomination application form is attached

Mail or email (email is preferred) a copy of this form no later than November 30.


Rotary District 6360 Foundation – A History

An Idea Whose Time had Come

Karl Sandelin had an idea. It was 1992 and Karl was the newly installed Governor of Rotary District 6360. He wanted to develop an International Service project that not only did good but involved the whole of District 6360. What could they do? Barb Herrold suggested Belize. What would they do in Belize? The District obtained a Discovery Grant from The Rotary Foundation (TRF) to research that question.  Schools were the answer. Belize needed help with their education system, particularly when it came to transportation.   School buses were needed to transport students to and from school.  Where do you get school buses? Mike Williams knew somebody – he had a connection with a local school  – as did other Rotarians and used buses could be obtained.  How do you pay for them? Fund raising by local Rotary Clubs, including selling cardboard cutouts of school buses for $20 was the answer. How do we handle the money? The Rotary District 6360 Foundation was born. Thousands of dollars and much planning later a caravan of school buses, other vehicles and Rotarians traveled 2984 miles across the US and Mexico to Belize.  The RD 6360 Foundation was one of the many tools District 6360 Rotarians used to make this project work

Rotary – Making a Difference

The Belize project was the reason for the start of the RD6360 Foundation.  What a difference it made in the lives of the citizens of Belize and the Rotarians that participated in this project. The RD6360 Foundation helps Rotary Clubs continue to make a difference. A difference in their community, their country and around the world. How can the RD6360 Foundation help your Club make a difference?


Grants from the RD6360 Foundation have helped Clubs with a myriad of local projects in their community. Parks, playgrounds, fire suppression systems, fair grounds wifi, college scholarships, Girls on the Run, school backpack programs and literacy projects are only a few of the examples District Rotary Clubs  have been able to complete with the help of RD6360 Foundation grants .  Funds for grants are mainly obtained from proceeds of the RD6360 Foundation Raffle Fundraiser.  Thank you for supporting the Raffle. Rotarians around District 6360 and the world appreciate your support.


Funds were established for hurricanes Katrina in 2005 and Harvey in 2017 to handle monies for disaster relief in New Orleans and Houston. The RD6360 Foundation, as a 501 c3, served as a tax deductible conduit for District 6360 Rotarians to aid our fellow countryman.

Around the World

Biosand water filters to provide safe drinking water in the Dominican Republic was started by the “water boys”. That project has grown into WASH – safe Water, and Sanitation and Hygiene.  Casa Amparo, an orphanage in Mexico, has benefited from donations from District 6360 Rotarians. Again as a 501c3 the RD6360 Foundation serves as a tax deductible conduit for District 6360 Rotarians to fund worthwhile projects.


For over 25 years the RD6360 Foundation has assisted District 6360 Clubs in Making a Difference in their community, country and around the world.  We can celebrate that positive difference and the realization that the Rotary Clubs of District 6360 have made a difference in the lives of thousands of people here and abroad.  It is not just Rotarians that have made a difference. Many individuals, institutions and businesses have helped District 6360 Rotary Clubs make a difference. The RD6360 Foundation celebrates those who help Rotary through the presentation of the Golden Trowel Award to those deserving individuals and institutions.  Public schools, teachers, restaurants, farmers and teenagers are just a few of the individuals and institutions that have recognized the difference Rotary makes. They helped Rotary – Make A Difference.

District 6360 Foundation Board

This gives everyone the ability to know who makes up the District 6360 Foundation Committee

Stephen B Harsh
Sydney Bastos
Public Image Chair
Karl Kincade
Berrien Springs-Eau Claire
Assistant Treasurer
Laska J Creagh
Amelia Remmert
Michael J. Wood
Gary R. Campbell
Lakeshore (Baroda-Stevensville-Bridgman)
Past President
Richard E. Merrill
Coldwater Township Sunrise
Gene L. Svebakken
Harbor Country (Southwest Berrien County)