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Stepping Up to Save Lives

Mental Health Walk During the District Conference!

Looking to get your blood pumping along with a few extra endorphins while doing something good? We have just the thing. Join us on Saturday, May 4 at 9:30 for “Stepping Up to Save Lives Mental Health Walk.”Showing Rotary solidarity, we will be wearing our Rotary T-shirts as we are led by the Saturday key-note speaker, Mr. Frank Mumford, director of NAMI SW MI. The 1/2 mile route will begin at the conference and end at Ministry with Community. While there, you will be able to have a tour to see all the wonderful services they provide.The 4 way test will be alive that morning as we come together to help those who need support. Please see the list of items below that we will be collecting to drop off at the end of our walk. So please skip a late breakfast and come join us in friendship, fellowship and service by Stepping Up to Save Lives at our first annual Mental Health Walk.

The following needed essential supplies will support one week of client needs/requests:

100 Deodorant (travel size)

280 Shampoo (travel size)

280 Conditioner (travel size)

200 Lotion (travel size)

280 Toothpaste (travel size)

280 Bar soap (travel size)

200 Tampons & pads

150 Two-blade razors

100 Toothbrushes (individually packaged)

50 Shaving Cream


Saturday, May 4 – 9:30am

Join District Conference attendees for a hands-on community service activity.

Looking to contribute towards the essential supplies?

Please use the shopping cart below
